
ООО Ritchy Rus

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ООО Ritchy Rus


Ritchy is a wordwide technology company, that designs, develops and sells e-liquids and e-cigarette. It was founded in 2009 and has an international team of over 200 experts based around the world. Ritchy company has 2 production facilities and 4 distribution centers. Ritchy e-liquids and e-cigarettes are sold and loved in over 85 countries.

  • Founded in 2009
    Company heritage was established with the birth of vape industry

  • Own Production facilities
    Two automated ISO 9001 facilities in Europe and China

  • Loved in 85+ countries
    Ritchy sells its products in 85 countries through 4 distribution centres on 3 continents

  • Headquarters
    Karla Engliše 519/11 Prague, 15000, Czech Republic

  • Specialties
    Electronic Cigarettes, E-liquids, Accessories, Disposable E-Cigarettes, Cartomizers, Atomizers

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